START! The Beginning is always the hardest

I always have such great ideas that pan out slowly, because starting a new project is always difficult for me. I literally have to pull myself out of my lazy daze and get to work. Although, after i begin, a funny thing usually happens…I find that i enjoy the project. So now all I need to do is wire my brain to just START!

When I start. I know somewhere in my mind that I have a project to complete. I do not want to let myself down. I do not want to be a dissapointment.

I started this blog after a long time of deliberation. It’s been a tough one just getting it off the ground. Continuing It and keeping the heat requires even more work. I had to figure out a way around it, In order to actually get any writing done.

It is easier to figure it all out now that I have started writing. Haven’t gotten an audience yet but working on it. it’s fun and exciting. Who would have thought that I would be writing posts from my phone.

I let my mind hold me back from starting my blog because I felt that I was not good enough. Who would want to read my stuff anyway,  I keep asking myself. I have refused to let the voices in my head take charge of my life and my situation. I decided to jump over the first hurdle…The Beginning.

What is holding you back from taking that first step towards your goal? Take a leap of faith and take the plunge. The last thing you want to have in the future is regret. Regret that you did not start today. Do something today that your future self will thank you for. Try these helpful tips that I use:

  1. Take it one step at a time
  2. Break large projects into smaller bits
  3. Don’t be too hard on yourself if things aren’t going exactly as planned
  4. Find an alternate plan but keep the Goal
  5. Stay positive
  6. Excercise
  7. Eat healthy
  8. Begin with the resources that are currently available.
  9. Don’t think too much about it. Just start.

Go out there and do your thing.  Be the best you can be. God bless.


“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”

– George Herbert

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