Why being BROKE is sometimes good

Broke is an informal term for a lack of or insufficient money. Being broke is sometimes a blessing. Although, not everyone is going to agree on that. Having nothing makes your brain go into overdrive mode. Your subconscious takes over your thoughts. Your mind starts to feed you with ideas to change your current bad situation.

You often become supercharged, thinking and thinking about a way out. You start to notice things that you did not see before. You become more alert to opportunities. The thirst to be better is what drives you and pushes you.

Its not a great feeling when you go into a store and the first thing you look at is the price tag. Or, when you look at your empty cupboard that should be housing food and all you have is salt. It’s disheartening to not be able to give your children  basic things that they need. Or, the occasional trip to the second-hand store resulting in mismatched clothes.

But mostly, It’s disappointing living an unfulfilled life. Living a life that you know that you can do better and be better. The dissatisfaction of the current position burns through your heart to your soul. You catch yourself asking said self “Is this it? Is this all I’m on earth for?” You drag yourself through the drudgery of each day. The days become a blur as they blend into each other, leaving hardly any room for reflection and planning.

Have you ever noticed two individuals together? One who’s self-made and the other was born into family wealth. Self-made people often have a lot of ‘hustle’. Everything they own they had toget themselves. They are ‘hungry’ and never seem to be tired. It’s one task after the other. They do not recognise the word ‘No’. They cannot stop.

When you start off broke, you tend to appreciate the things you have later in life. You tend to show more gratitude. Most people who started off  broke are more humble. They do not take people or things for granted because they know the feeling of not having.

My cousin is self-made. He’s taken care of himself since the age of 19. There was a time he had only four shirts and a pair of jeans. The poverty did not stop him. He strived to be the best. He stayed up late and woke up early. He worked a part-time job while at the university, but still graduated top of his class. His grit is a class of it’s own.

A lot of people looked down on him, even some members of our family members. They thought “what good can come out of this boy?” Some people were brave enough to say it out to his hearing.

He was not popular in school. The pretty girls only considered him when they needed their assignments done. His girlfriend broke up with him because he could not afford to buy an expensive gift on Valentine’s day. She added that he dressed shabilly and out of style.

Through all the pain and heartache. He forged ahead. Not giving up, not losing hope, but always enduring and endearing. Keeping a positive outlook on life; he always says “This is not permanent. It will get better.”

Today, barely 5 years later, it’s already looking better. He has a killer 6-figure income job. He flies around the world. He’s so down to earth. He never looks down on anyone.

He appreciates his current life, but always remembers where he started from to keep the future burning. Beyond everything he’s thankful he started out Broke. It was his curse that turned to his blessing.

If you are currently broke. Don’t think about it as a curse. See it as a pedestal to push you to greater heights. It’s never too late to get up and start pursuing your dreams of stepping out of poverty.

Poverty is temporary except you choose to stay there because everyone in your family or neighbourhood is broke. You do not think that you can rise above the tide of brokenness. Break free from those chains and live a fulfilled life. Let being broke be your fuel to drive the engine of your life.

It’s such a great feeling when you do not have to worry about how you will be able to afford the next rent or electricity bill. The peace of mind shaves years off your face. You will sleep better at night with more financial freedom. If other people have done it. How dare you not try?

“Being broke just gave me more Hunger.”

– Meek Mill


Eight reasons to start your BUSINESS today.

Some people are born entrepreneurs. They started their first business as children or teenagers and have never looked back since. It is in their blood. They have never taken up a regular job, and have always worked for themselves. Some others were forced into entrepreneurship because they found themselves suddenly without a job, and needed to find a way to make money during that time.

Starting and running your own business is not a walk in the park. It involves high risk, a lot of time, dedication, patience and hustle. You have to be willing to do what 98% of the population would not do, so that you can be among the 2% of people who would like to work.

Starting your business is a rewarding experience and has so many benefits. I would like to warn you afore hand that If you are not ready to put in work, please do not start a business. If you are not prepared to fail, then keep thumping at your day job. You are better off in your safe zone.

Why is now a good time to start a business? Across the world, thousands of people are constantly changing or losing their jobs. A lot of employees are dissatisfied with their job. They are unhappy and grouchy and this tends to spill over into their personal life and relationships. Here are eight reasons why entrepreneurship is so great.

1. You won’t get fired.
About fifty years ago, the traditional route was to go to school, get a job, and retire. The job would take care of you for your entire life. Now it’s the opposite, a lot of companies are constantly downsizing. You are living in a world of fear of the unknown because you do not know if you would have a job when you walk into the office the next morning. Everybody has 24 hours every day. Do you realize that you are trading your hours to someone else who is getting richer off of you?


You’re Fired !

Statistics show that by the year 2020, half of the workforce would be freelancers. One can already see this emerging with the help of the internet providing websites that host freelancing gigs such as Upwork, 99 designs, Amazon, and fiverr. More people are choosing to work from outside the traditional workplace and earn money. It is now easier to engage with people from anywhere around the world to work collaboratively on projects and tasks. Some business owners work in the United States, but their virtual assistant is in the Philippines.

Some people choose this route on their own for the freedom, while others have been forced into it due to the straining economy. When you work for yourself, you are your own boss. When the economy is down and business is not doing great, you are sure that you would still have your job. The company will not let you go because they are trying to curb costs.

According to Jeff Goins, the best way to keep a job is not to rely on only one job, acquire more than one skill, mix and match the skills with your talents and passion with the constantly-changing economy. This will ensure that you are well rounded and can adapt easily.
As the boss, you are incharge of all the decisions and can do and undo.
In a research carried out TNS Custom Research, out of 3000 partipants, “personal independence and Self-fulfillment” was the major reason (54%) people would like to work for themselves, followed by “freedom to choose place and time”, surprisingly, only 9% of people said “better income prospects” was a motivator to start their own business.

2. Freedom.
When you are an entrepreneur, you decide your work hours. You decide how much time you want to spend with your friends and family. The regular 9 to 5 does not hold for you. Flexibility is your friend. You get to spend more time on what really matters to you. Although in the beginning, you may have to work very long hours to get your business off the ground, which means that you will have less time. As the business grows and you employ people to take over key positions, you free up more time for yourself to focus on the aspects of the business that you enjoy. You also have more time to spend with family. You decide when you want to go on vacation. Your life becomes more wholesome because there is a semblance of the constantly elusive balance.

3. Happiness and Satisfaction
Entrepreneurs on average work longer hours, and receive less income than people who work for others, but are generally content and happier. Research carried out by the Pew foundation showed that 39% of entrepreneurs are happy with their job compared to 28% of employees. This satisfaction does not stem from only money. It was reported that you would have to pay an employee twice as much as an entrepreneur earns to achieve the same level of satisfaction. The satisfaction that self-employed people enjoy also spills over to other parts of their life, making them happier people.


Happiness and Satisfaction

Jane* was a successful accountant at a large firm. She was very good at it but was frustrated at work, even though she was earning a 6-figure income. She worked long hours and was angry a large amount of the time. Her temper was quick and according to her subordinates, not a very nice person to work for. She also suffered from constant headaches. Her frustration at work was taking its toll on her relationship with her husband and two young children.

She finally decided to leave her prestigious job to focus on her freelancing and consulting business she had started on the side. When the business picked up, she employed another accountant, and was able to free up more time to focus on the things that really mattered – her family. She became happier and fun to hang out with. Headaches no longer bother her. She started coaching people on how to transition from employee status to business person.

4. Large array of skills
In the beginning of building the business, it requires one to learn a large number of skills that they would not have learnt otherwise. The Entrepreneur has to be a marketer, accounting, salesperson, writer, SEO expert, strategy invoicing, communication and so many other skills, particularly when the business is boot-strapped. These skills enable the individual grow the business until they can afford to hire other people to carry out the tasks they do not enjoy doing, so that they can focus on growing the business.

5. Build Wealth
As an entrepreneur, you have a chance to slowly build wealth and not just income. You are solely in charge of your cash flow and what you direct it towards. When you set up a business system, which means the business can run on its own in your absence. As an employee, you are exchanging your time for money. That means if you are out of a job for some reason, then you do not get paid. But when you can set up your business, and automate it, you can walk away for a day or two and will still get your money. Put people who know what they are doing in charge of things and check in when required.


Build Wealth not Income and leave a Legacy. Source:creditdonkey.com

When you trade time for money, you are limited by what you earn. There are only 24 hours in a day. Most people sleep for 8 hours, commute for 2 hours and use the rest to eat, exercise, relax and so forth, leaving only 8-12 hours for work. No matter how much you get paid per hour, you have a limit: time. Time caps the amount of income you can earn because it is finite. You could also ask for a raise, but not all the time. You could get promotions as well, but employee tax is pretty high, so you are taxed for more, when you get paid more money. Bummer! If you are out of a job for some reason, then you do not get paid.

Relying on income alone is obviously not the way to go if you really want to build wealth. Entrepreneurship is an avenue to stop you trading hours for money. It removes the time cap and you can start earning money 24 hours a day, even when you are asleep. Here is where product based businesses have the upper leg over service based businesses for a solopreneuer.

6. Leave a Legacy
Matthew is the Vice-President of a fortune 500 company. He earns a lot of money, travels around the globe, has a large home and mingles with the rich and famous. When Matthew retires, his kids will not take over his position in the company. They may have company stock, but that is about it. The company will not belong to them. The position is handed over to someone else
Bill’s successful company was founded 20 years ago. He retires in two years. His son and daughter will continue to run the company. Their young kids help out at the office after school and during the summer, and they plan to hand it down to them. It is challenging but also rewarding. Bill has left a legacy for his children to inherit. His family’s future has been altered. His kids and grandkids learn entrepreneurial skills simply by observing because that is their reality.

L’oréal S.A., the world’s largest cosmetics company was founded by Eugène Schueller. His daughter, Liliane Bettencourt inherited the company when he passed away. She started as an apprentice at the company. According to the Forbes 2016 edition of “The World’s Billionaires”, Liliane is the richest woman on earth, valued at more than US$ 40 billion dollars. Bettencourt along with her daughter, son-in-law and grandson have served on the board of directors of L’oreal. Since 2012, her grandson, Jean-Victor was appointed board director.

The family tree was changed positively because Eugène a chemist turned entrepreneur started his own company. One can only imagine how different their lives may have been if he did not take this monumental step towards becoming a founder.

7. Improve the community: Provide Jobs
When your business begins to grow and expand. More hands will be needed on deck. You will be able to open up job opportunities for individuals. It may be job opportunities in your local community where individuals work on site, for example warehousing. It could be an offsite job for example designing your website or mobile application. Whatever the case, you are creating job opportunities.

Internet giants, Google.inc. was founded by two Stanford University Ph.D. students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. They started with one employee and reportedly have over 57,000 employees in over 40 countries. That means that they are providing for 57,000 families across the globe. They are impacting on the lives of individuals and communities.

8. Become a Mentor
Mentorship is another way that you can give back to your community after becoming successful. Your advice and experience could be the difference between a person’s success or failure. There is not enough good mentors to go around. Having mentees ensures that your lessons, successes and failures are not lost. It affords an opportunity to pass down knowledge and create lifelong friendships.

Becoming an entrepreneur is a very rewarding endeavor. There are so many reasons why one should consider starting their business. It does not have to be a big enterprise. Start small and see where it goes from there. You just might be surprised.

“The true Entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.”

-Nolan Bushnell


START! The Beginning is always the hardest

I always have such great ideas that pan out slowly, because starting a new project is always difficult for me. I literally have to pull myself out of my lazy daze and get to work. Although, after i begin, a funny thing usually happens…I find that i enjoy the project. So now all I need to do is wire my brain to just START!

When I start. I know somewhere in my mind that I have a project to complete. I do not want to let myself down. I do not want to be a dissapointment.

I started this blog after a long time of deliberation. It’s been a tough one just getting it off the ground. Continuing It and keeping the heat requires even more work. I had to figure out a way around it, In order to actually get any writing done.

It is easier to figure it all out now that I have started writing. Haven’t gotten an audience yet but working on it. it’s fun and exciting. Who would have thought that I would be writing posts from my phone.

I let my mind hold me back from starting my blog because I felt that I was not good enough. Who would want to read my stuff anyway,  I keep asking myself. I have refused to let the voices in my head take charge of my life and my situation. I decided to jump over the first hurdle…The Beginning.

What is holding you back from taking that first step towards your goal? Take a leap of faith and take the plunge. The last thing you want to have in the future is regret. Regret that you did not start today. Do something today that your future self will thank you for. Try these helpful tips that I use:

  1. Take it one step at a time
  2. Break large projects into smaller bits
  3. Don’t be too hard on yourself if things aren’t going exactly as planned
  4. Find an alternate plan but keep the Goal
  5. Stay positive
  6. Excercise
  7. Eat healthy
  8. Begin with the resources that are currently available.
  9. Don’t think too much about it. Just start.

Go out there and do your thing.  Be the best you can be. God bless.


“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”

– George Herbert


The Artist, Oladapo Oyebanjo popularly known as D’banj. Source: Jaguda.com

I was flipping through some channels yesterday, wondering what to watch. I happened upon the E! VIP interview for popular Nigerian artist D’banj. It premiered 3rd July, 2016. For those who do not know who he is; Oladapo Oyebanjo popurlarly known as D’banj is a household name in Africa. The artist shot to stardom in 2005 with his album titled ‘No long thing’. The song titled ‘Oliver Twist’ put him on the global map. He has won several music awards and is Nigeria’s first United Nations Youth Ambassador for Peace.


D’banj did not disappoint as usual, during the interview. He brought his humour and charisma to the show. I enjoyed it thoroughly and took home five lessons in success that could be applied to anyone.

  1. Grab Opportunities and Take Action:

D’banj had the opportunity to travel to the U.K for studies and he took it. It was while in the U.K. that the music gig started to take off. According to the artist, while he was working, he met someone who knew someone, who knew another person who introduced him to his ex-partner Don Jazzy. Jazzy was initially working with JJC crew at the time. He had the opportunity to work with musicians in the studio and he took it.

He heard that the music scene in Nigeria was hot at the time, and people were getting paid really well for gigs, about 2000£ per show at the time. He put together an album with Don Jazzy in the space of two weeks and shipped the music out. After a short time, they got their first gig. It’s quite funny and humbling to know that they could only afford one flight ticket from London to Nigeria for D’banj. Don Jazzy had to wait in the U.K.

Another time, while at the Dubai international airport, he was mistaken for Kanye West. That was how they knew that Kanye West was going to be around somewhere and they sought him out. Right there at the airport, they auditioned for Kanye and then got an appointment to see him at New York. A week after the appointment, he got signed to the label.

How many opportunities do we let go by on a daily basis? You were introduced to someone who would help make a difference in your work, but you are too shy to approach the individual.  Opportunities are everywhere just waiting to be found and acted upon. Have you recently found an opportunity to chase your dreams? Are you taking action? What are you doing every day to take you closer to your dream life? Take action, act swiftly, and do not let the day go without following through on your most recent opportunity.

  1. Privacy

His personal life is well … personal. He maintains a certain level of privacy. During the interview he declined to comment about his past romantic relationships. This is really admirable in the world where reality TV shows has taken over day time television. Instagramming, facebooking, tweeting and/or snapchatting your entire life to the world is the norm.

You have a fight with your boyfriend. It gets posted. You make dinner plans with friends. It is up on Facebook. You plan to vacation in Jamaica on the 14th of July. Yeah…all your twitter followers are aware.

Effects of posting your private life on social media. Source: Robindickinson.com

Nobody has to know your entire business. That is why it is your business. Most times the attention received is unnecessary and you invite bad energy. It is okay to post a few things that you are really excited about and would love to share. Just make sure you know the limits. Too much information ‘TMI’ is a real thing.

Keep your personal life- PERSONAL.


  1. Show Up!:

D’banj started working with Donjazzy and JJC squad in the studio, and he says that he was not taken very seriously. He was considered as the clown. He was fine with that, the artist said and he continued by saying that as long as he was around the music, he was okay. He did not mind making them laugh. What mattered was that he was working in the studio, he was learning, he was polishing his music skills. He was at the center of activity. He was closer to his dream than ever before.

Go where you can find people who are doing the stuff that you are doing. If you want to be a writer, hang around writers. If you want to do music, go where the musicians are and Learn! Learn! Learn! Find their clubs or associations. Ask around, maybe someone knows someone. Scour the internet until you find them. Don’t just be a taker, give something valuable to them and it will be a mutual relationship.

  1. Stay Alert, Stay Learning:

Stay ahead of the game. Keep your ears on the ground. Always be on the lookout for the next big thing that will promote you and grab onto that opportunity. Be willing to take risks sometimes. Don’t be scared of looking foolish. Be scared of having regrets and not following up on some paths that you could have taken. Continue learning and improving yourself. Reach higher and higher. Seek out people better than you to collaborate with. Seek to be the best at what you do. Do not settle for less.

5. Persistence:

Every successful person will tell you that persistence is what kept them ahead of their peers that they began working with. Some people started but gave up along the way. But they kept on going on. Be persistent! Believe in yourself. Start and follow through until the end. You may feel like you have lost your way, but you can get up and continue to push on. Finish your project and then move onto the next one, and then the next one. Keep working to improve your skill sets. If you believe in yourself you can do it. Just believe and then work towards it. Put the right things in place. Encourage yourself. Surround yourself with positive and hardworking people. Don’t start tomorrow. Start Today!

Perserverance is key to success. Source: lifetidude.com

D’banj remains our superstar. We love him and his nuggets of wisdom. We wish all the best in the future, as he continues to conquer new ground.

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.”

―Newt Gingrich



Success and Failure Quotes

Quotes get you fired up when you are feeling discouraged and disappointed. Here are a few quotes to get you to overcome failures so that you may achieve success.


“Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” Coco Chanel

“Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.”George Edward Woodberry

“You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Wayne Gretzky

“I’ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.” Tony Robbins

“You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.” Johnny Cash

“Forget about the consequences of failure. Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success.” Denis Waitley

“I really don’t think life is about the I-could-have-beens. Life is only about the I-tried-to-do. I don’t mind the failure but I can’t imagine that I’d forgive myself if I didn’t try.” Nikki Giovanni

“No man ever achieved worth-while success who did not, at one time or other, find himself with at least one foot hanging well over the brink of failure.” Napoleon Hill

“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt

“There is no failure except in no longer trying.” Elbert Hubbard

“Experience teaches slowly, and at the cost of mistakes.” James A. Froude


Source: Huffpost.com

“A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convinced of it.” Ambrose Bierce

“Don’t be afraid of missing opportunities. Behind every failure is an opportunity somebody wishes they had missed.” Lily Tomlin

“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” Michael Jordan

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”Confucius

“One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.” Andre Gide

“The only failure is not to try.” George Clooney

“If you’re doing your best, you won’t have any time to worry about failure.”H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

“Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something.” Morihei Ueshiba

“Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.”Anonymous

“We learn wisdom from failure much more than success. We often discover what we will do, by finding out what we will not do.” Samuel Smiles

“Failure is success if we learn from it.” Malcolm Forbes

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan

“Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street.” Zig Ziglar

“Success isn’t permanent and failure isn’t fatal.” Mike Ditka

“Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” George Herman “Babe” Ruth

“The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.” Buddha

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” Dale Carnegie

“For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.” Mary Kay Ash

“Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.” Napoleon Hill

“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” Bill Cosby“No man is a failure who is enjoying life.” William Feather

“One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.” Henry Ford


Source: ctimes.com

“Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure it just means you haven’t succeeded yet.” Robert H. Schuller

“My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.” Abraham Lincoln

“Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.”Benjamin Franklin

“I was never afraid of failure, for I would sooner fail than not be among the best.” John Keats

“Go back a little to leap further.” John Clarke