Why being BROKE is sometimes good

Broke is an informal term for a lack of or insufficient money. Being broke is sometimes a blessing. Although, not everyone is going to agree on that. Having nothing makes your brain go into overdrive mode. Your subconscious takes over your thoughts. Your mind starts to feed you with ideas to change your current bad situation.

You often become supercharged, thinking and thinking about a way out. You start to notice things that you did not see before. You become more alert to opportunities. The thirst to be better is what drives you and pushes you.

Its not a great feeling when you go into a store and the first thing you look at is the price tag. Or, when you look at your empty cupboard that should be housing food and all you have is salt. It’s disheartening to not be able to give your children  basic things that they need. Or, the occasional trip to the second-hand store resulting in mismatched clothes.

But mostly, It’s disappointing living an unfulfilled life. Living a life that you know that you can do better and be better. The dissatisfaction of the current position burns through your heart to your soul. You catch yourself asking said self “Is this it? Is this all I’m on earth for?” You drag yourself through the drudgery of each day. The days become a blur as they blend into each other, leaving hardly any room for reflection and planning.

Have you ever noticed two individuals together? One who’s self-made and the other was born into family wealth. Self-made people often have a lot of ‘hustle’. Everything they own they had toget themselves. They are ‘hungry’ and never seem to be tired. It’s one task after the other. They do not recognise the word ‘No’. They cannot stop.

When you start off broke, you tend to appreciate the things you have later in life. You tend to show more gratitude. Most people who started off  broke are more humble. They do not take people or things for granted because they know the feeling of not having.

My cousin is self-made. He’s taken care of himself since the age of 19. There was a time he had only four shirts and a pair of jeans. The poverty did not stop him. He strived to be the best. He stayed up late and woke up early. He worked a part-time job while at the university, but still graduated top of his class. His grit is a class of it’s own.

A lot of people looked down on him, even some members of our family members. They thought “what good can come out of this boy?” Some people were brave enough to say it out to his hearing.

He was not popular in school. The pretty girls only considered him when they needed their assignments done. His girlfriend broke up with him because he could not afford to buy an expensive gift on Valentine’s day. She added that he dressed shabilly and out of style.

Through all the pain and heartache. He forged ahead. Not giving up, not losing hope, but always enduring and endearing. Keeping a positive outlook on life; he always says “This is not permanent. It will get better.”

Today, barely 5 years later, it’s already looking better. He has a killer 6-figure income job. He flies around the world. He’s so down to earth. He never looks down on anyone.

He appreciates his current life, but always remembers where he started from to keep the future burning. Beyond everything he’s thankful he started out Broke. It was his curse that turned to his blessing.

If you are currently broke. Don’t think about it as a curse. See it as a pedestal to push you to greater heights. It’s never too late to get up and start pursuing your dreams of stepping out of poverty.

Poverty is temporary except you choose to stay there because everyone in your family or neighbourhood is broke. You do not think that you can rise above the tide of brokenness. Break free from those chains and live a fulfilled life. Let being broke be your fuel to drive the engine of your life.

It’s such a great feeling when you do not have to worry about how you will be able to afford the next rent or electricity bill. The peace of mind shaves years off your face. You will sleep better at night with more financial freedom. If other people have done it. How dare you not try?

“Being broke just gave me more Hunger.”

– Meek Mill


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